Roscommon Lamb Festival
Show & Sale of Lambs
Wednesday May 1st – 11 a.m.
Prizes in each class – €100, 2nd €50,
Entries taken on the day –
Best Pen of Factory Lambs
(minimum of 5 lambs)
Best Pen of Butchers Lambs
(minimum of 5 lambs)
Best Pen of Vendeen X Factory or Butchers Lambs
(minimum of 8 lambs)
(Confined to Vendeen Breeders)
1st: 15 Bags of Creep, 2nd: €100, 3rd: €50
Sponsored by Red Mills & Irish Vendeen Sheep Society
Also official opening, trade stands
Sheep Breed Societies Exibition, Old Fair Atmosphere & lots more