Friday March 11th- Mart Report

There was a very good entry of excellent quality stock on offer at last Friday’s sale which included a special sale of Heifers. There was a brisk trade for Heifers with a good attendance of customers and a high clearance of lots with prices fetching from €2.45 per kilo up to €3.12 per kilo. There was also a firm trade for Bullocks. Once again this week there was a large entry of Dry Cows with prices ranging from €1.71 per kilo up to €2.02 per kilo. Sales continue weekly on Fridays at 11 a.m. for Bullocks, Heifers and Dry Cows. Special Sale of Bullocks and Heifers Friday next March 18th at 11 a.m. 84 pens of Bullocks and 20 pens of Heifers. Enquiries phone 090 6626352 email or calling to the office.  List of sales on our website. Live streaming of our sales from Ring 1 – see link on our website and facebook

Dry Cows made from €900  to €1800 per head

Sample Prices:  AAX 720 kgs €930, Char X 940 kgs €1800, BBX 725 kgs €1465, Lim X 740 kgs €1445, HEX 725 kgs €1245, HEX 700 kgs €1300, Char X 765 kgs €1415,Char X 670 kgs €1330,

Bullocks made from €585  to €785  over

Sample Prices: AUX 715 kgs €1500, Char X 625 kgs €1480, Char X 720 kgs €1460,5 AAX 505 kgs €1145,5 AAX 468 kgs €1120, 6 AAX €1055,BBX 400 kg €1000

Heifers made from €535 to €1085 over

Sample Prices:    Char X 710 kgs €1720, Lim X 595 kgs €1680, Char 590 kgs €1550, 2 Char X 555 kgs €1395,Char X 445 kgs €1370, Lim X 425 kgs €1330, Char X 490 kgs €1305,AAX  485 kgs €1090, AAX 465 kgs €1040, AAX 438 kgs €1090, AAX 515 kgs €1165,BBX 465 kgs €1100, BBX 555 kgs €1340, BBX 370 kgs €1090, Simm X 495 kgs €1150Simm X 450 kgs €1100, Lim X 530 kgs €1330, Lim X 525 kgs €1415, 3 im X 485 kgs €1040,Lim X 550 €1400.