Friday May 20th – Mart Report – Cattle


There was an improved trade for Bullocks this week with prices averaging from €2.47 up to a maximum of €3.19 per kilo. There was no significant change in the trade for Heifer. The average prices ranged from €2.46 per kilo up to €2.96 per kilo. There was a brisk trade for Dry Cows with prices improved from last week with lots making from an average of €1.81 per kilo up to €2.17 per kilo.

Friday next May 27th Special sale of Bullocks and Heifers. Also Dry Cows. All stock must be penned by 10.30 a.m. Cattle not penned by this time will not be included in the draw.

Dry Cows made from €855 to €1405 per head

Sample Prices Char X 720 kgs €1405, Lim X 610 kgs €1200, Char X 655 kgs €1150, Lim X 525 kgs €1140,BBX 610 kgs €1115, Simm 530 kgs €1050, Lim X 560 kgs €1010, AA 505 kgs €900.

Heifers made from €330 to €835 over

Sample Prices: Char X 565 kgs €1400,2 Lim X 590 kgs €1400, Char X 480 kgs €1225, Lim X 405 kgs €1170, BBX 390 kgs €1000, Lim X 330 kgs €925, 2 Char X 377 kgs €920, Lim X 345 kgs €1020,HEX 480 kgs €1000,

Bullocks  made from €335 to €950 over

 Sample Prices: Lim X 570 kgs €1520, Lim X 590 kgs €1455, AAX 680 kgs €1420, Lim X 535 kgs €1415,AAX 590 kgs €1340, 2 Char X 440 kgs €1285, Simm X 405 kgs €1200, 2 Char X 365 kgs €1060,3 Char X 288 kgs €920. Lim X 390 kgs €1200. Simm X 380 kgs €1200, 2 Char  X 367 kgs €1070.

