There was a big entry of excellent quality stock on offer at last Friday’s sale which included a special sale of Bullocks. There was a brisk trade for Bullocks with prices fetching as high as €2.88 per kilo and an average of €2.21 per kilo. There was a good trade for Heifers with prices averaging from €2.14 per kilo up to €2.60 per kilo. There was a big number of Dry Cows presented for sale with prices averaging from €1.49 per kilo up to €1.83 per kilo. Special sale of Heifers Friday next November 11th @ 11 a.m. 75 pens on offer also Bullocks and Dry Cows. –Cattle must be penned by 10 a.m. to be included in the Draw. Special winter sale of Bullocks Friday November 18th at 11 a.m. Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Tuesday November 8th Wednesday November 9th and Thursday November 10th. Also Bullocks and Dry Cows.
Dry Cows made from €785 to €1385 per lot
Sample prices BBX 790 kgs €1395. Lim X 825 kgs €1375, AAX 850 kgs €1225.Lim X 665 kgs €1215, Fr 715 kgs €975, Simm 665 kgs €970, Lim X 590 kgs €960,Char X 765 kgs €1250, Lim X 595 kgs €830
Heifers made from €395 to €790 over
Sample Prices Lim X 710 kgs €1460, Char X 495 kgs €1285, AAX 580 kgs €1200,AAX 570 kgs €1140, PTX 445 kgs €1105, 3 Char 431 kgs €1050, AAX 455 kgs €975,Lim X 450 kgs €1020, Char X 440 kgs €1055, Lim X 405 kgs €945, 2 Lim X 372 kgs €900
Bullocks made from €450 to € 1015 over
Sample Prices Char X 560 kgs €1575, Char X 530 kgs €1525, 2 Char X 595 kgs €1405,Char X 560 kgs €1410, Char X 530 kgs €1525, Lim X 560 kgs €1365, BBX 565 kgs €1350,Char X 475 kgs €1275, Char X 625 kgs €1425, Char X 445 kgs €1075, AAX 500 kgs €1120,4 AAX 581 kgs 1245, Char X 390 kgs €990, Lim X 480 kgs €1110, 2 Lim X 440 kgs €940