Tuesday March 15th – Weanlings Prices Report


There was a smaller entry of Weanlings on offer this week after the very large sale the previous week. There was an excellent trade for  Bull Weanlings with a very high clearance of lots. Prices ranged from €2.48 per kilo up to €3.10 per kilo. There was an easier trade for Weanling Heifer.  Usual Sale for Weanlings and Suckler Cows, Tuesday next March 22nd at 5 p.m.  The next Special Sale of Weanlings will be held on Tuesday March 29th at 5 p.m. Bookings accepted up to 5 pm. on Tuesday March 22nd, Wednesday March 23rd and Thursday March 24th.


Weanling Heifers made from €400 to €600 over

 Sample Prices: Lim X 355 kgs €950, 2 Lim X 307 kgs €725,

Lim X 320 kgs €720.

Weanling Bulls made from €460 to €685 over

 Sample Prices Char X 490 kgs €1175, Char X 400 kgs €1075,

Lim x 435 kgs €1010, AAX 250 kgs €775, Char X 355 kgs €905,

Char  X 355 kgs €905.