Tuesday March 8th – Mart Report Weanlings & Suckler Cows



There was a very big entry of excellent quality stock on offer at the Show and Sale of Weanlings held on last Tuesday. There was a brisk trade for Weanling Bulls with prices ranging from an average of €2.55 per kilo up to a maximum of €3.33 per kilo. There was a very lively trade for Weanling Heifers with prices ranging from €2.65 per kilo up to a high of €3.74 per kilo. There was a good attendance of customers actively bidding for stock resulting in a high clearance of lots.

Springing Cows made from €1490 to €1570. Cows with calves at foot made from €1390 to €2150.  Usual Sale for Weanlings and Suckler Cows, Tuesday next March 15th at 5 p.m.  The next Special Sale of Weanlings will be held on Tuesday March 29th at 5 p.m. Bookings accepted up to 5 pm. on Tuesday March 22nd, Wednesday March 23rd and Thursday March 24th.

Weanling Heifers made from €440 to 1160 over

 Sample Prices: BBX 440 kgs €1600, Char X 435 kgs €1300, 2 Lim X460 kgs €1260, BBX 360 kgs €1200, Char X 400 kgs €1250,BBX 360 kgs €1050, Char X 325 kgs €990, Char X 340 kgs €975,BBX 315 €930, Lim X 325 kgs €910, 2 Lim X 300 kgs €850.

Weanling Bulls made from €530 to €885 over

 Sample Prices BBX 505 kgs €1390, Char X 420 kgs €1305,BBX 430 kgs €1300, Char X 395 kgs €1245,BB 395 kgs €1200,2 Lim X 402 kgs €1075, AAX 470 kgs €1040, 2 Lim X 395 kgs €1030,2 BBX 345 kgs €1015, Lim X 330 kgs €1020, SA 425 kgs €975.

Show Results

 Best Weanling Bull born in 2015

 1st: Tommy Maloney, Kiltevna, Dunmore, Galway

2nd : Joe Davis, Carraweeney, Williamstown, Galway

3rd:James Brady, Ballindollaghan, Lisalway, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon

 Best Heifer Weanling born in 2015

 1st; Joe Davis, Carraweeney, Williamstown, Co. Galway

2nd; Ger Lannon, Ballinafad, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon

3rd: Gabriel Wallace, Graffogue, Scramogue, Co. Roscommon