Tuesday May 3rd – Weanlings & Suckler Cows – Mart Report



There was a good entry of Weanlings and Suckler Cows on offer at last Tuesday’s sale. The trade for Weanling Heifers was similar to the previous week with a good clearance of lots. Prices for Weanling Heifers ranged from €2.54 per kilo up to €3.25 per kilo. There was a slightly easier trade for Bull Weanlings with average prices of €2.28 per kilo up to a high of €2.89 per kilo.   Special Sale of Weanlings Tuesday next May 10th @ 5 p.m… Bookings accepted up 5 p.m. on Thursday May 5th.

Weanling Heifers made from €395 to €675 over

 Sample Prices: Char X 415 kgs €1090, Char X 365 kgs €975,Char X 305 kgs €930, 3 Char X 200 kgs €650, 2 Lim X 320 kgs €765,2 Char X 282 kgs €850, Lim X 295 kgs €805, Lim X 270 kgs €845.

Weanling Bulls made from €350 to €705 over

 Sample Prices Lim X 545 kgs €1200, Char X 410 kgs €1115,AA 435 kgs 900, Lim X 310 kgs €800, Simm X 220 kgs €635AAX 395 kgs €820, Simm X 430 kgs €930

Cows and calves at foot made from €1200 to €1400