There were good numbers on offer at sale of Weanlings and Suckler Cows held on Tuesday last. Weanling Bulls averaged from €2.30 per kilo up to €2.95 per kilo while average prices for Weanling Heifers ranged from €2.48 per kilo up to €3.17 per kilo. Cows with calves at foot made from €1250 up to €1480. Prices. Usual sale of Weanlings and Suckler Cows on Tuesday September 20th @ 5 p.m.Special Fall/Autumn Sale of Weanlings – Tuesday September 27thBookings accepted up to Tuesday September 20th, Wednesday September 21st& Thursday September 22nd.
Weanling Heifers made from €305 to €650 over
Sample Prices: BBX 400 kgs €950, BBX 300 kgs €950, Char X 375 kgs €920,BBX 375 kgs €900, Char 300 kgs €855, Char X 285 kgs €800,BBX 350 kgs €800, Char X 245 kgs €690
Weanling Bulls made from €425 to €675 over
Sample Prices Lim X 590 kgs €1150, Char X 535 kgs €1150,BBX 425 kgs €1100, Char X 430 kgs €1025, BBX 350 kgs €975,AUX 385 kgs €920, BBX 340 kgs €870, Char X 300 kgs €850,Char X 255 kgs €730.
Springing Heifers made from €1100
Cows with calves at foot made up to €1480