There was a larger entry of sheep on offer this week. There was a similar trade for Hoggets, while there was an easier trade for Cast Ewes with lots more difficult to sell. There were better numbers of Spring Lambs on offer with lots fetching €85.50 over their weight. There was a big entry of Ewes with Lambs at foot. Ewe with two lambs at foot made up to €300 per unit while Ewes with single lambs at foot made up to €200 per unit. Sheep sales continue weekly on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.30 a.m. Show & Sale of Lambs (in conjunction with Roscommon Lamb Festival) Wednesday April 27th (see website and adverts for details)
Sample Prices:
Spring Lambs: 40 kgs €108, 41.10 kgs €110, 44.90 kgs €123, 49.50 kgs €135,
45 kgs €116. 48 kgs €130,
Ewe Hoggets: 58 kgs €130, 53.20 kgs €120, 43.50 kgs €80, 50 kgs €100,
Mixed Hoggets: 47 kgs €104,
Cast Ewes made from €55 to €110 per lot
Ewes with Twin lambs at foot made up to €300 per unit
Ewes with Single Lambs at foot made up to €200 per unit