There was a good entry of Sheep on offer at Wednesday‘s sale. The price for Spring Lambs was on a par with the previous week . There was a small number of Hoggets on offer with a pen of Ewe Hoggets making €145. The trade for Cast Ewes was a little better this week with a top price of €120. There were smaller numbers of Ewes with Lambs at foots presented for sale. Ewes with 2 lambs at foot made up to €230, while Ewes with single lambs at foot made up to €170. Sales continue each Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for Lambs, Cast Ewes and Ewes with Lambs at Foot.
Sample Prices:
Spring Lambs: 49.30 kgs €125, 52.1 kgs €123, 45.9kgs €120, 45kgs, €117, 50 kgs €120, 51 kgs €118, 43.7 kgs €116, 44.9 kgs €115, 44 kgs €117, 41.30 kgs €105
Ewe Hoggets 52.20 kgs €145, 54 kgs €120, 64 kgs €120,
Mixed Hoggets 49.40 kgs €100
Cast Ewes made from €70 to €120 per lot
Ewes with Twin lambs at foot made up to €230 per unit
Ewes with Single Lambs at foot made up to €170 per unit