There was a large turnout of stock again this week. There was a positive trade again for Bullocks with prices ranging from €2.46 per kilo up to €3.40 per kilo. There was also an excellent trade for Heifers with prices fetching from an average of €2.44 per kilo up to €3.09 per kilo. There were good numbers of Dry Cows on offer with lots making an average of €1.84 per kilo up to €2.32 per kilo. There was a good attendance of customers actively bidding for stock resulting in a very high clearance of lots. No Sale Friday next – April 14th – Good Friday – Special sale for Heifers & Bullocks Friday April 21st – Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on this Thursday April 13th
Dry Cows made from €800 to €1520
Sample prices Char X 775 kgs €1520, BBX 705 kgs €1520, Char X 765 kgs €1450,Char X 630 kgs €1435, PTX 685 kgs €1380, Char 695 kgs €1380, Lim X 670 kgs €1290,AAX 595 kgs €1160, FR 745 kgs €980, AAX 475 kgs €900, Simm X 560 kgs €800
Heifers made from €490 to €960 over
Sample Prices: Lim X 625 kgs €1575, Char X 505 kgs €1440, BBX 460 kgs €1420, Char 570 kgs €1420,2 AAX 550 kgs €1340, Char X 510 kgs €1305, 2 AAX 550 kgs €1340, Char X 510 kgs €1300,Lim 505 kgs €1300, Lim X 465 kgs €1275, Char X 450 kgs €1215, 3 Char X 510 kgs €1250,Lim X 480 kgs €1230, AAX 545 kgs €1200, 2 Char X 545 kgs €1200, Lim X 495 kgs €1175,2 Char X 440 kgs €1165, Lim 430 kgs €1150, Lim X 375 kgs €980
Bullocks made from €485 to €960 over
Sample Prices: Lim X 775 kgs €1700, Char X 660 kgs €1580, Lim X 590 kgs €1540, Lim X 570 kgs €1530,AX 570 kgs €1490, 2 Char X 575 kgs €1470, Lim X 595 kgs €1470, AAX 575 kgs €1455,2 Char X 580 kgs €1430, 2 Char X 547 kgs €1420, AAX 595 kgs €1375, Lim X 580 kgs €1350,Char X 510 kgs €1340, AAX 515 kgs €1300, Lim X 470 kgs €1290, 2 Lim X 435 kgs €1100,Char X 405 kgs €1040, Lim X 375 kgs €1215.