There was a huge entry of Cattle on offer at last Friday’s sale. Once again this week quality lots were to the fore in fetching top prices while the plainer lots were more difficult to sell. There was a brisk trade for Bullocks with prices averaging from €2.35 per kilo up to €3.14 per kilo. Heifer prices ranged from an average of €2.19 per kilo up to €3.27 for a top quality Lim X Heifer weighing 490 kgs and fetching €1605. There was a big entry of Dry Cow with lots averaging from €1.55 per kilo up to €2.06 per kilo Friday October 27th Special Sale of Heifers– 70 pens on offer-Also Bullocks & Dry Cows Sales commence at 11 a.m. Cattle must be penned by 10 a.m. . Date for your Diary Winter Special Sale for Bullocks Friday November 3rd at 11 a.m. Also Heifers & Dry Cows -Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Thursday October 26th
Dry Cows made from €670 to €1705 per lot
Sample Prices Char 890 kgs €1705, Lim 785 kgs €1605, BBX 685 kgs €1410, Simm 745 kgs €1350,Char X 775 kgs €1200, Simm 645 kgs €1110, Lim X 610 kgs €935, Lim X 480 kgs €785,Lim X 695 kgs €1415, Lim 700 kgs €1380, Lim X 695 kgs €1150, Char X 670 kgs €970,
Heifers made from €315 to €1115 over
Sample Prices: Lim X 490 kgs €1605, Lim X 560 kgs €1565, Lim X 560 kgs €1560, Lim X 525 kgs €1410,Simm X 485 kgs €1380, Lim 490 kgs €1320, AAX 585 kgs €1230, HEX 620 kgs €1320, Lim X 440 kgs €1160, Simmx 485 kgs €1290, 3 Char X 476 kgs €1100, AAX 485 kgs €1080, SHX 470 kgs €1065,Simm 445 kgs €1075. BBx 440 kgs €940,Lim X 405 kgs €910, Simm X 480 kgs €940, AAX 585 kgs €1230, Char 410 kgs €970, 2 Lim X 335 kgs €745, AAX 390 kgs €750, Lim X 420 kgs €900,
Bullocks made from €390 to €1100 over
Sample Prices: Lim X 735 kgs €1700, Char X 725 kgs €1700, 2 Char X 560 kgs €1660, 2 Char x 622 kgs €1560, Char X 560 kgs €1540, 2 Char X 542 kgs €1510, 2 Char X 477 kgs €1500, 2 Lim X 592 kgs €1500,4 Char X 530 kgs €1415, Char X 475 kgs €1250, 2 Lim X 482 kgs €1125, Lim X 580 kgs €1375,2 Char X 555 kgs €1560, 3 Lim X 530 kgs €1250, Lim X 460 kgs €1195, Lim X 455 kgs €960,2 Char X 435 kgs €1225,Lim X 480 kgs €1000.