There was a good entry of stock on offer at the Special Sale of Weanlings held on Tuesday evening last. A special entry of Dry Cows made form €1150 up to €1720, Cows with calves made from €1320 up to €1920, There was a brisk trade for Weanling Bulls with lots averaging from €2.55 up to €3.30 per kilo. Weanling Heifers ranged from €2.49 per kilo up to €2.90 per kilo. There was a good demand for all stock with a high clearance of lots in all classes. Please note that there is no sale on Tuesday next August 29th. Show & Sale of Weanlings for calves born in 2017 will be held on Tuesday September 5th @ 5 p.m.Also Springers & Suckler Cows – Full details on our website and facebook pages.
Weanling Heifers made from €315 to €715 over
Sample Prices: Lim X 385 kgs €1100, Lim X 405 kgs €1100,Char X 405 kgs €1090, BBX 445 kgs €1065, Char X 390 kgs €1040,3 Char X 300 kgs €870, Char X 320 kgs €925, BBX 365 kgs €960,Char X 285 kgs €800, Lim X 285 kgs €760, BAX 250 kgs €660,
Weanling Bulls made from €385 to €875 over
Sample Prices:
BBX 485 kgs €1360, Char X 585 kgs €1315, Char X 480 kgs €1250,Simm X 490 kgs €1245, Lim X 445 kgs €1200, Char X 390 kgs €1110,Char 365kgs €1060, 2 BBX 360 kgs €1080, Char X 315 kgs €970,Simm X 385 kgs €1000, BAX 310 kgs €870, AAX 445 kgs €950,Lim X 240 kgs €770, 2 AAX 320 kgs €800
Springers made from €1150 up to €1720
Cows with Calves at foot made from €1320 up to €1920