There was a nice entry of stock at the first sale of year. There was a brisk trade for all classes with prices improved from the sale held pre-Christmas. Prices for Heifer Weanlings ranged from an average of €2.71 per kilo up to €3.30 per kilo. Prices for Bull Weanlings averaged from €2.43 per kilo up to €3.03 per kilo. The next sale for .Weanlings & Suckler Cows will be held on Tuesday January 31st at 5 p.m. Special Sale for Springers and Suckler Cows on Saturday January 28th – Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Thursday January 19th 2017
Weanling Heifers made from €310 up to €615 over
Sample Prices: Char X 300 kgs €915, Lim X 265 kgs €875, Char X 325 kgs €830Char 270 kgs €800, Lim 270 kgs €745, Char X 245 kgs €700, Char X 230 kgs€675, Lim X 225 kgs €670,
Weanling Bulls made from €330 to €605 over
Sample Prices:
Lim X 525 kgs €1115, Lim X 445 kgs €1020, Char X 380 kgs €970,Lim X 355 kgs €960, AA 380 kgs €940, Lim 290 kgs €865,Lim X 295 kgs €810, Char X 250 kgs €700, Char X 200kgs €605,