There were good numbers on offer again this week. There was a dip in prices for Spring Lambs with the tops fetching €110 for 50.30 kgs. A pen of good quality Ewe Lambs 48.7kgs made €110. Again this week there was a good demand for store lambs. Prices for Cast Ewes ranged from €58 up to €125 per head. Breeding Hoggets attracted good interest with prices ranging from €120 up to €165. Sheep sales continue each Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for Lambs & Cast Ewes. Please note that Sales for Breeding Ewes and Hoggets will commence on Saturday August 5th – Sale at 11 a.m. – Gates open at 8 a.m.
Sample Prices: Finished Lambs:
50.30 kgs €110, 47.80 kgs €107, 49.20 kgs €105, 50 kgs €105
51.6 kgs €105, 50.9 kgs €105, 49.3 kgs €102, 45.5 kgs €102,
Ewe Lambs:
48.7 kgs €110, 45.8kgs €110.
Store Lambs:
44kgs €93, 43.1 kgs €91, 40 kgs €91, 38.4kgs €90, 40.8 kgs €88,
39.20 kgs €87.5, 34.5 kgs €85, 37.8 kgs €82, 34.7 kgs €79.
Cast Ewes made from €58 to €125 per lot
Breeding Hoggets made from €120 up to €165