The numbers on offer were on par to the previous week with an improved trade for all stock. 2 year olds made up to €150, 3 year olds made up to €118; Hoggets fetched up to €185. Sales as usual on Saturday next at 11 a.m. Gates open at 8 a.m. Saturday next September 29th Show and Sale of Pedigree Belclare Rams – Show at 12.30 pm. Sale at 1.30 p.m. approx. AlsoShow & sale of Beltex Rams & 1 female Show 12 Noon Sale 1 p.m.
Hoggets ranged from €120 up to €185 per head
2 year old Ewes made from €100 up to €150 per head
3 year old Ewes made from €92 up to €118 per head