We had a small entry of Sheep at this weeks Sale. There was a dip in trade for hoggets with hoggets making as high as €108. The trade for Cast Ewes was similar to the previous week with prices ranging from €67 to €120. Sales continue each Wednesdays at 11 a.m. for Lambs & Cast Ewes. Sheep Scanning Service commencing Wednesday February 7th – 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and each week thereafter. Wednesday February14th @ 11 a.m Special Entry of 40 Good Quality Ewes 1st, 2nd & 3rd Crop Ewes in lamb to Suffolk & Texel Rams, due 17th March onwards
Sample Prices: Hoggets:
47.5kgs €108, 54.5kgs €106, 48.8 kgs €100, 48.9 kgs €100, 44.3 kgs €90,43kgs €90, 36.6kgs €77, 34kgs €70.
Cast Ewes made from €67 to €120 per lot
In Lamb Ewes made from €100 to €140
Ewe with one Lamb at Foot made up to €159