We had a similar entry of Sheep at this week’s sale. There was a steady trade for hoggets with prices topping €137. We had a large entry this week of Spring lambs with a top price of €150. The trade for Cast Ewes was similar to the previous week with prices ranging from €36 to €145. There was a bigger entry of Ewes with lambs at foot on offer this week ,there was a brisk trade for them with all lots sold. Sales continue each Wednesday at 11 a.m. for Lambs, Cast Ewes & Ewes with Lambs at foot.
Sample Prices: Spring Lambs:
48.3kgs €150, 47kgs €148, 51.8kgs €148, 45.7kgs €147, 48kgs €140,
43.9 kgs €140, 44.6 €133, 40kgs €122, 42.7kgs €112.
50.7kgs €137, 53.5kgs €130, 49.4kgs €122.5, 44.7 kgs €116.
Cast Ewes made from €36 to €145 per lot
Ewes with two Lambs at Foot made up to €250.
Ewes with one lamb at Foot made up to €186