There were slightly increased numbers on offer at last Friday’s sale with a firm trade for all classes. Prices for Bullocks ranged from €2.04 per kilo up to €2.29 per kilo. Heifer Prices were improved from pre-Christmas with averages of €2.23 per kilo up to €2.96 per kilo. Dry Cows fetched from an average of €1.54 per kilo up to €2.04 per kilo. Sales continue on Friday’s weekly for Bullock, Heifers & Dry Cows – Full details on our facebook and website pagesSpecial Sale of Heifers – Friday February 1st – Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on this Thursday January 24th.
Dry Cows made from €715 up to €1425 per lot
Sample Prices
Lim X 815 kgs €1425, Lim X 680 kgs €1385, Lim X 780 kgs €1335, Simm 750 €1285, AAX 830 kgs €1275,Lim X 660 kgs €1245, BA 780 kgs €1185, Lim X 680 kgs €1125, Simm X 685 kgs €1050.
Bullocks made from €465 to €730 over the kilo
Sample Prices:
Lim X 610 kgs €1340, Char X 500 kgs €1100, Lim X 465 kgs €1065, AAX 530 kgs €1025,AAX 565 kgs €955, AAX 480 kgs €945
Heifers made from €340 to €930 over the kilo
Sample Prices:
Char 720 kgs €1600, Char X 650 kgs €1580, Lim 535 kgs €1410, Simm X 440 kgs €1305,2 Char X 542 kgs €1200, Simm X 415 kgs €1170, BBX 505 kgs €1020, Simm 390 kgs €1015,Simm X 380 kgs €1000.