Friday September 6th – Mart Report – Cattle prices

There were good numbers of excellent quality cattle on offer at Friday’s sale. There was a positive trade for Bullocks with the majority of lots sold. Prices ranged from €2.09 per kilo up to €2.60 per kilo. There were plenty of customers in attendance who were anxious for stock. The numbers of Heifers on offer was small due to the large entry for next week’s special sale (81 pens on offer) with prices ranging from an average of €2.02 per kilo up to €2.36 per kilo. Prices for Dry Cows averaged from €1.42 per kilo up to €1.59 per kilo.

.    Friday next September 13th at 11 a.m.   usual sale for Bullocks & Dry Cows plus special Sale of Heifers (81 pens on offer). Friday September 20th – Harvest Special Sale of Bullocks -Also Heifers & Dry Cows – Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Thursday September 12th


Dry Cows made from €600  up to €1300 per lot

Sample Prices

Simm X 845 kgs €1300, Char 780 kgs €1230, Lim X 800 kgs €1200, HEX 785 kgs €1175

Lim X 715 kgs €1140, Fr 630 kgs €750, AAX 625 kgs €670, Cha rx 695 kgs €1080


Heifers  made from €385  up to €670   over the kilo

Sample Prices

Lim X 615 kgs €1285, Char X 500 kgs €1115, Char X 500 kgs €1020, Lim X 355 kgs €840,

3 Lim X 363 kgs €850, Char X 380 kgs €885, 2 Lim x 422 kgs €900, Char X 445 kgs €925


Bullocks  made from €370   up to €915   over the kilo


Sample Prices

Char X 710 kgs €1550, Char X 675 kgs €1545, Lim X 625 kgs €1540, 3 Char X 626 kgs €1470,
2Char X 572 kgs €1425, 2 Char X 565 kgs €1400, 2 Char X 547 kgs €1400,
Char X 575 kgs €1380,3 Char X 548 kgs €1360, BBX 555 kgs €1300,
Lim X 570 kgs €1250, Simm 560 kgs €1190, Lim 495 kgs €1150,
Char X 430 kgs €1120, Lim X 465 kgs €1120, Lim X 390 kgs €945