There were similar numbers on offer this week. Prices for Spring Lamb fetched €132 for 47.1kgs. Prices for finished hoggets peaked at €120 for 65.6kgs. There was a steady trade for Cast Ewes with prices ranging from €68 up to €120. There was a large entry of Ewes with lambs at foot on offer this week, there was a brisk trade for them with a very high percentage of lots sold. Sales continue each Wednesday at 11 a.m. for Lambs, Cast Ewes & Ewes with lambs at foot.
Sample Prices ; Spring Lamb
47.1kgs €132, 54.5kgs €132, 57kgs €127, 44.9kgs €126,
45.9kgs €126, 46kgs €125, 45kgs €125, 46.9kgs €123,
45.9kgs €122, 43.5kgs €120.
Finished Hoggets:
65.6kgs €120, 53.8kgs €115, 49kgs €110, 48kgs €110.
Cast Ewes made from €68 to €120 per lot.
Ewe with two lambs @ foot made up to €310.
Ewe with one lamb @ foot made up to €202.