Friday February 21st – Mart Report – Cattle Prices

   PSRA No 001373                     

There were larger numbers on offer this week with a great selection of excellent quality cattle. There was a strong demand for all stock with plenty of customers in attendance resulting in a 99% clearance of lots. Bullocks made from an average of €2.28 per kilo up to €2.83 per kilo. Heifers ranged from an average of €2.14 per kilo up to €2.26 per kilo. Dry Cows fetched from an average of €1.63 per kilo up to €1.87 per kilo.Friday next February 28th – Special Sale of Heifers 20 pens on offer, Also Bullocks and Dry Cows . Friday March 6th Springtime Special Sale of BullocksBookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on this Thursday February 27th      Also Heifers and Dry Cows.

  Dry Cows made €730 up to €1375 per head  

Sample Prices

Char X 745 kgs €1375, Char X 780 kgs €1365, Char X 790 kgs €1365, BBX 710 kgs €1245,

Lim X 710 kgs €1240, Char X 695 kgs €1200, AAX 680 kgs €1070, SHX 615 kgs €985

Heifers  made from an average of  €2.14 per kilo up to €2.26  per kilo

Sample Prices

AAX 550 kgs €1200, Char X 455 kgs €1030, AAX 465 kgs €925


Bullocks   made from an average of  €2.28 per kilo up to €2.83 per kilo

Sample Prices

Simm X 805 kgs €1775, Char X 810 kgs €1750, BBX 580 kgs €1730, Char X 575 kgs €1630,

2 Char X 600 kgs €1600, 3 Char X 603 kgs €1610, 2 Lim X 595 kgs €1600, 4 Char X 612 kgs €1525,

Simm X 640 kgs €1480, 2 Char X 590 kgs €1450, 3 Char X 553 kgs €1420, Char X 530 kgs €1400,

Lim X 520 kgs €1390, Char X 490 kgs €1200, 2 Lim X 430 kgs €1050, 2 SHX 387 kgs €880