PSRA No 001373
There was a large entry of stock on offer at Tuesday’s weekly sale. There was a strong demand for Bulls with a good clearance of lots. Prices for Bulls ranged from €2.46 per kilo up to €3.61 per kilo. There was a brisk trade for Weanling Heifers with lots fetching from an average of €2.51 per kilo up to €3.29 per kilo. Springers made up to €1200 while Cows with calves at foot made from €1200 up to €1400. There was a good number of Buyers in attendance with farmers more active. Exporters and Agents were also present.
Please note:
That due to the Governments recent stringent measures designed to curb the spread of Covid-19. Roscommon Mart will be closed with immediate effect until further notice.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused. We thank you for your co-operation and we look forward to your continued support when we open again.
A special word of thanks to our dedicated staff members for their invaluable assistance with the implementation of the coronavirus restrictions over the past number of weeks. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.
Stay Safe
Weanling Heifers made from an average of €2.51 up to €3.29 per kilo.
Sample Prices
Char X 410 kgs €1130 – €2.75 per kilo, Lim X 410 kgs €2.68 per kilo, Char X 355 kgs €1045-
€2.94 per kilo, Char X 345 kgs €1030 – €2.98 per kilo, Lim 400 kgs €1020 – €2.55 per kilo,
Char X 320 kgs €935 – €2.92 per kilo, Lim X 315 kgs €960 – €3.01 per kilo, Char X 320 kgs
€970 – €3.03 per kilo, 2 Char X 297 kgs €890 – €2.99 per kilo, 2 Char X 242 kgs €790 – €3.25
Per kilo, Char X 240 kgs €790 – €3.29 per kilo.
Weanling Bulls made from an average of €2.46 per kilo up to €3.61 per kilo.
Sample Prices:
Lim X 465 kgs €1215 – €2.61 per kilo, Char X 410 kgs €2.92 per kilo,
Lim X 400 kgs €1170 – €2.92 per kilo, 2 Char X 355 kgs €1150- €3.23 per kilo,
Lim X 420 kgs €1125 – €2.67 per kilo, Char X 380 kgs €1080 – €2.84 per kilo,
3 Char X 381 kgs €1000 – €2.62 per kilo, 2 Lim X 367 kgs €980- €2.66 per kilo,
Lim X 320 kgs €970- €3.03 per kilo, Char X 305 kgs €950 – €3.11 per kilo,
AAX 340 kgs €845 – €2.47 per kilo,
Springers made up to €1200
Cows with calves at foot made from €1200 up to €1400.