Wednesday May 13th – Mart Report – Sheep Prices

There was a similar entry of Sheep on offer at Wednesday’s Sheep assembly. Spring Lambs made up to €133 for 50.7kgs. Hoggets made up to €128 for 61.7 kgs. Stag Ewes made from €82 up to €130 per head. Please note all sheep must be tagged with a full yellow EID Tag set. Our next Sheep assembly is next Wednesday 20th May. Bookings for sheep is on Tuesday 19th May from 11am to 1 pm. Sheep to be penned by 10am on day of assembly.


Sample Prices;    Spring Lambs:

50.7kgs €133, 49.6kgs €132.5, 48kgs €132, 51.3kgs €131, 49kgs €131,

45kgs €129, 45.6kgs €129, 45.3kgs €128, 42.8kgs €127

                             Finished Hoggets:

61.7kgs €128, 52.8 kgs €124, 80 kgs €118, 41.2 kgs €93.


Cast Ewes made from €82 to €130 per lot.

Ewes with one Lamb at foot made up to €175.

Ewes with two lambs at foot made up to €255.