Friday August 6th – Mart Report – Cattle Prices

We had increased numbers on offer this week with a firm trade for all classes. Bullocks made from an average of €2.34 per kilo up to €3.03 per kilo. Heifers fetched from an average of €2.40 per kilo up to

€3.06 per kilo, Dry Cows averaged from €2.06 per kilo up to €2.39 per kilo. Customers were active on line and at the ringside resulting in a high percentage clearance of lots.

Friday next August 13th   Special Sale of Bullocks   —–Also Heifers & Dry Cows Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Monday August 9th


Dry Cows ranged from an average of €2.06  per kilo up to €2.39  per kilo.

Sample Prices


Char X 810 kgs €1930, Lim X 835 kgs €1900, Char 890 kgs €1880, Char X 855 kgs

€1850, Char 890 kgs €1790, Lim 795 kgs €1740, Char X 650 kgs €1370,

Lim X 700 kgs €1650, Lim X 660 kgs €1580, Lim X 645 kgs €1430.

Heifers ranged from an average of €2.40   per kilo up to €3.06  per kilo

Sample Prices

Lim X 630 kgs €1720, Char X 735 kgs €1650, Char X 640 kgs €1610,

Char X 565 kgs €1340, 2 Lim X 622 kgs €1570, Char X 550 kgs €1440,

Char X 515 kgs €1350, Lim X 495 kgs €1300, 2 Char X 462 kgs €1210,

Char X 430 kgs €1160, Lim 425 kgs €1180, Char X 475 kgs €1270, 2 AAX 472 kgs

€1100, 2  Char X 390 kgs €1070, Lim X 375 kgs €1050, 2 Char X 355 kgs €1030

Bullocks  ranged from an average of €2.34  per kilo up to €3.03 per kilo

Sample Prices

AAX 390 kgs €940, AAX 420 kgs €930, Simm X 325 kgs €890-

Lim X 285 kgs €860, Char X 280 kgs €850, Simm X 320 kgs €730