We had a very large entry of Super Quality Cattle on offer at our weekly Friday sale. Trade was brisk from the get go with customers actively bidding at the ringside and on line to secure lots. Bullocks averaged from €2.58 per kilo up to €3.39 per kilo. Heifer numbers were small due to next week’s Special Sale. Prices for Heifers ranged from an average of €2.34 per kilo up to €2.54 per kilo. Dry Cows made from an average of €2.00 per kilo up to €2.31 per kilo
Friday next October 15th Special Sale of Heifers ––Also Bullocks & Dry Cows
& Dry Cows- Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Monday October 11th
Dry Cows ranged from an average of €2.00 per kilo up to €2.31 per kilo.
Sample Prices
Char X 850 kgs €1970, Char X 880 kgs €1970, AAX 775 kgs €1760,
Simm 755 kgs €1690, Char X 600 kgs €1300, AAX 755 kgs €1500,
SAX 680 kgs €1500, AAX 745 kgs €1670, Lim X 725 kgs €1590,
Char X 600 kgs €1300,
Heifers ranged from an average of €2.34 per kilo up to €2.54 per kilo
Sample Prices
Lim X 450 kgs €1100, Char X 445 kgs €1050,
Lim X 405 kgs €1030,Lim X 440 kgs €900,
Bullocks ranged from an average of €2.58 per kilo up to €3.39 per kilo
Sample Prices
5 Char X 776 kgs €2210, Char X 845 kgs €2040, Char X 675 kgs €1950, Lim X 695 kgs €1930,
2 Char X 600 kgs €1770, Char X 585 kgs €1780, 2 Char X 565 kgs €1800, Char X 575 kgs €1740,
Lim x 570 kgs €1740, Lim X 595 kgs €1690, 3 Char X 576 kgs €1670, Lim X 580 kgs €1650,
2 Lim X 570 kgs €1630, 5 Lim X 562 kgs €1620, Char X 495 kgs €1590, Lim X 565kgs €1600,
2 Lim X 497 kgs €1560, 2 Lim X 535 kgs €1500, 2 Lim X 527 kgs €1450, Char X 485 kgs €1410,
Lim X 485 kgs €1390, Char X 410 kgs €1390, Char X 400 kgs €1340,