Wednesday February 23rd – Mart Report – Sheep Prices

There was a similar trade for Hoggets this week with larger numbers on offer. Hoggets made up to €156. Stag Ewes fetched up to €170. Ewes and Lambs made up to €315 for 1 Ewes with 2 Lambs at foot. In Lamb Ewes made up to €180.

Please note all sheep must be tagged with a full yellow EID Tag set.  Next Sheep Sale for Lambs & Cast Ewes is on Wednesday March 2nd @ 11am.  Sheep Scanning service Wednesday next from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Yard open at 8 a.m. All stock must be penned by 10 a.m. Sale can be viewed live on

Sample Prices;   

 Finished Hoggets :


56.8 kgs €156, 52.2 kgs €156, 50.6 kgs €155, 65 kgs €153, 51 kgs €152

48.5 kgs €150, 52.7 kgs €150, 49 kgs €148, 48.5 kgs €142.

Store Hoggets

41.8 kgs €126, 41.9 kgs €120, 40.1 kgs €120, 39.5kgs €115.

Cast Ewes made from €78 to €170 per lot

Ewes with 2 Lambs at foot made up to €315

Ewes with 1 Lamb at foot made up to €265

In Lamb Ewes made up to €180