Friday November 2nd Cattle Prices Report

Friday November 2nd Cattle Prices Report

There was a large number of super quality Heifers on offer at the special sale held on Friday last. There was also a good entry of Bullocks and Dry Cows. The Heifer trade was lively with a good clearance of lots. The prices for Bullocks were well maintained on the previous week with quality lots continuing to fetch good prices. The Dry Cows met with a strong trade resulting in a full clearance of lots. Sales are held weekly for Bullocks Heifers & Dry Cows.  A special sale of Bullocks will be held on Friday November 16th at 11 a.m. Bookings accepted at the Mart office at 6 p.m. on this Thursday November 8th.

Dry Cows made from €475 to €1350

Sample prices: AA 665 kgs €955, Char 770 kgs €1350, Red Lim 550 kgs €1080Black Lim 755 kgs €1250, Red Simm 645 kgs €910, AA 690 kgs €1140, Char 720 kgs €1095, Shorthorn 560 kgs €635.

 Heifers made from €435 to €1200 over

Sample prices Char X 615 kgs €1475, Sim 625 kgs €1500, BBX 695 kgs €1700,BBX 570 kgs €1770, LimX 675 kgs €1600, 2 Char 577.50 kgs €1395,Red Lim 425 kgs €900,Char 445 kgs €975, 2 Black Lim 445 kgs €880,Char 370 kgs €875, Red Sim 440 kgs €930, Char 485 kgs €1165,BBX 675 kgs €1600, Red Lim 545 kgs €1300,Char 365 kgs €850,AA 385 kgs €905

Bullocks made from €430 to €975 over

Sample Prices: Lim 600 kgs €1365, Char 605 kgs €1365, 4 Char 627.50 kgs €1480, Char X 625 kgs €1600, 2 AA 423 kgs €990,4 Char 470 kgs €1110,Simm 700 kgs €1550, Simm 395 kgs €995, AA 490 kgs €1205, Char 390 kgs €985,2 Simm 465 kgs €1040, Char 370 kgs €970, Simm 460 kgs €910, Lim 410 kgs €840
