There was a very big entry of top quality stock on offer at last Fridays’ Special Sale of Heifers and extra special sale of Bullocks. There was a lively trade for all classes of stock. The trade for Bullocks was improved from the previous week. The prices for Heifers were also better resulting in a good clearance of lots. There was no significant change in the trade for Dry Cows from last week. Once again this week there was a good attendance of customers Friday sales continue weekly for Bullocks, Heifers and Dry Cows. Sales commence at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 7 a.m. A special sale of Bullocks will be held on Friday next October 31st (85 pens on offer) plus usual sale for Heifers and Dry Cows The next special sale of Heifers will be held on Friday November 7th – Bookings accepted at the office at 5 p.m. on Thursday October 30th @ 5 p.m. For further information visit our website.
Dry Cows made from €700 to €1560 per lot
Sample prices: Lim 740 kgs €1560, Lim X 850 kgs €1545, BBX 815 kgs €1400,AAX 770 kgs €1340, Simm X 785 kgs €1265, AAX 720 kgs €1155, Char 585 kgs €910, Char X 695 kgs €1300, Lim X 715 kgs €1255,
Heifers made from €520 to €1565 over
Sample Prices BBX 675 kgs €2240, Char X 640 kgs €1825, Char X 580 kgs €1690, Char X 570 kgs €1460, Lim X 595 kgs €1395, AAX 735 kgs €1350, Simm X 490 kgs €1335, Lim X 475 kgs €1245, BBX 550 kgs €1235, 2 Char X 585 kgs €1230, BBX 490 kgs €1200, Lim 500 kgs €1290, Char X 400 kgs €1005,2 Char X 480 kgs €1110, Lim X 565 kgs €1200, Char 395 kgs € 965,Lim X 475 kgs €1055,
Bullocks made from € 600 to €1085 over
Sample prices: Lim X 695 kgs €1780, Char 690 kgs €1740, Char X 765 kgs €1650, Lim X 710 kgs €1565, Lim X 555 kgs €1515, Char X 585 kgs €1400,Lim X 580 kgs €1350, Lim X 560 kgs €1340, Char X 510 kgs €1330,Char X 515 kgs €1325, Char X 525 kgs €1215, 5 Char X 590 kgs €1305,Lim X 590 kgs €1240, 2 Char X 530 kgs €1300, 3 Char 508 kgs €1200,4 Char X 580 kgs €1320, 2 Char X 548 kgs €1300, Char X 570 kgs €1335,3 Lim X 390 kgs €1015, Char 470 kgs €1165.