There was a good entry of stock at Tuesday’s weekly sale of weanlings. There was good trade for Bull Weanlings in particular for quality lots. The price for Heifer Weanlings was in line with the previous sale. Tuesday sales continue weekly for Weanlings at 5 p.m. Please note change of time of sales. The Fall/Autumn Show & Sale of Weanlings will be held on Tuesday September 9th at 5 p.m. Entries accepted at the office at 5 p.m. on Monday September 1st.
Weanling Bulls made from €370 to €690 over
Sample Prices: Simm X 740 kgs €1430, Lim X 655 kgs €1325, Char X 280 kgs 725, Lim X 350 kgs €800, Lim X 370 kgs €890, Lim X 560 kgs €1250, Char 370 kgs €925, Lim X 360 kgs €890,
Weanling Heifers made from €330 to €545 over
Sample Prices: Lim X 430 kgs €920, Char 355 kgs €900, Lim x 355 kgs €800,AAX 370 kgs €700, Lim X 405 kgs €770, Char X 410 kgs €775.