There were good numbers on offer again this week. There were better numbers of Spring Lambs with improved prices. The trade for Hoggets was slightly easier, while prices of Cast Ewes were similar.Wednesday sheep sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.30 a.m. Scanning Service available from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Show & Sale of Lambs Wednesday April 30th – Also official opening of Roscommon Lamb Festival.
Sample Prices
Spring Lambs: 45kgs €133, 50 kgs €135, 49 kgs €135, 47 kgs €130,43 .1 kgs €135, 52.50 kgs €150,
Ewe Hoggets 44 kgs €95, 40.90 kgs €90, 51.40 kgs €124, 45 kgs €94, 45 kgs €110,
Wether Hoggets 48 kgs €100, 46 kgs €107, 56 kgs €130, 42 kgs €100,
Cast Ewes made from €52.00 to €127.00
Ewes with Single lambs at foot made €140 to €166 per lot
Ewes with Doubles at foot made €114 to €200 per lot