Wednesday April 9th – Sheep Prices Report


There was a good entry of Sheep on offer this week with increased numbers of Spring Lambs. The trade for Hoggets was a little easier. The prices for Spring lambs was improved while the Cast Ewe trade was similar. There was a steady trade for Ewes with Lambs at foot.  Sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.30 a.m. from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Show & Sale of Lambs Wednesday April 30th – Also official opening of Roscommon Lamb Festival.


Sample Prices 


 Spring Lambs: 45 kgs €130, 43 kgs €133, 35 kgs €105, 49 kgs €131,

44.50 kgs €125, 41.8 kgs €127, 48.50 kgs €132, 45.30 kgs €132,


Ewe Hoggets   49 kgs €122, 54.90 kgs €130, 50 kgs €113,46.7 kgs €100, 55.30 kgs €125, 46.90 kgs €105,45.60 kgs €103, 48.10 kgs €120, 49 kgs €120,


Wether Hoggets  58 kgs €120, 45.80 kgs €90, 47.50 kgs €110, 55.8 kgs €108, 52 kgs €110, 42.80 kgs €90,


Cast Ewes made from €50.00 to €115.00

Ewes with Single lambs at foot made €90 to €150 per lot

Ewes with Doubles at foot made €120 to €205 per lot









t made €120 to €205 per lot