There was a huge entry of sheep this week. The trade for lambs were on par to the previous week with some top prices for quality Ewe Lambs. There was a good demand for store lambs. The prices for Cast Ewes were slightly easier this week; however there was a full clearance of lots. Wednesday sheep sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.30 a.m. Date for your diary; Show & Sale of Lambs – Wednesday 3rd September @ 11 a.m.
Sample Prices:
Wether Lambs 39.30 kgs €78, 50.5 kgs €95, 53.30 kgs €101, 46.70 kgs €90,
Ram Lambs: 43.60 kgs €85, 47 kgs €85, 46.90 kgs €90, 45.80 kgs €87.5040.50 kgs €80.5,46.20 kgs €90, 47 kgs €98
Ewe Lambs 42.30 kgs €85, 52.20 kgs €110, 49 kgs €103, 48.3 kgs €104, 43.2 kgs €95, 44 kgs €101, 44 kgs €116.50, 48 kgs €120.5, 43.90 kgs €122.50.
Stores lambs made from €72 to €85
Cast Ewes made from €60.00 to €130.00