There were increased numbers on offer this week. There was a lively trade for Store Lambs There was a slight increase in prices for the stronger lamb. The prices for Cast Ewes were in line with the previous week. Wednesday sheep sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.30 a.m. Saturday Sales for Breeding Ewes and Hoggets commence on Saturday August 9th –Also West of Ireland Registered Pedigree Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club Premier Show & Sale- Show at 11 a.m. Sale at 1 p.m. Euro Star Ram Lambs on offer on the day. Contact – Ursula Rooney – Secretary -0879831933
Sample Prices:
Lambs: 46.1 kgs €96, 50 kgs €100, 38.80 kgs €82, 42.30 kgs €90, 38.90 kgs €84, 45 kgs €90, 48 kgs €93.50, 45.70 kgs €93, 51.3 kgs €102, 48 kgs €100,37 kgs €84, 42.50 kgs €85, 50.3 kgs €99, 48.30 kgs €95.50, 47.40 kgs €101,
Cast Ewes made from €50.00 to €120.00