There was a large entry of lambs again this week. Prices are holding firm for the heavier lamb. There was a brisk trade for store lambs as a result of the continuous good grass growth. There was also a big entry of Cast Ewes with prices improved resulting in a full clearance of lots .Wednesday sheep sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.30 a.m. Saturday Sales for Breeding Ewes and Hoggets commence on Saturday August 9th – Yard opens at 8 a.m. sale at 11 a.m. Also West of Ireland Registered Pedigree Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club Premier Show & Sale- Show at 11 a.m. Sale at 1 p.m. Euro Star Ram Lambs on offer on the day. Contact – Ursula Rooney – Secretary -0879831933
Sample Prices:
Lambs: 49.30 kgs €100, 42.30 kgs €85, 45.90 kgs €89,41 kgs €87, 50.3 kgs €102, 43.70 kgs €91, 42.5 kgs €86, 49 kgs €95, 43.2 kgs 92, 44 kgs €90,48.70 kgs €101, 46 kgs €102,
Ewe Lambs 38.1 kgs €87, 40.10 kgs €87, 40.50 kgs €90, 45.30 kgs €105,41.60 kgs €92,
Cast Ewes made from €55.00 to €128.00