Wednesday May 28th -Sheep Prices Report


There was a large increase in numbers this week. The trade for both Lambs and Cast Ewes was slightly easier. However there was a very good clearance of lots.

Wednesday sheep sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.30 a.m.


Sample Prices:


Spring Lambs: 42 kgs €105, 50 kgs €118, 47 kgs €119, 43.90 kgs €115,48.7 kgs €116, 48 kgs €120, 48 kgs €116, 49.7 kgs €119, 46.2 kgs €115,37.20 kgs €90,


Cast Ewes made from €60.00 to €116.00


Ewes with Single lambs at foot made €130 to €170 per lot


Ewes with Doubles at foot made €150 to €231 per lot