There was a large entry of Sheep this week. Prices for Wether & Ram Lambs were in line with last week.
There was a good trade for Ewe Lambs with improved prices. There was a better trade for Cast Ewes.
Sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Yard opens at 8.00 a.m.
Please note that Wether and Ewe Lambs will be penned separately.
Sample Prices:
Wether Lambs 50.50 kgs €101, 42.50 kgs €86.50, 46.50 kgs €98, 44.40 kgs €87.50,50.70 kgs €100, 49 kgs €90,
Ram Lambs: 40.75 kgs €80, 45.7 kgs €87.00, 47 kgs €92.50, 46.40 kgs € 88, 53 kgs €99
Ewe Lambs 45.40 kgs €90, 50.20 kgs €103, 45.70 kgs €102, 52 kgs €131, 45.10 kgs €100,52.10 kgs €123.50 , 46.40 kgs €131, 53.90 kgs €130, 49 kgs €145.
Stores lambs made from €65 to €82 per lot
Cast Ewes made from €50.00 to €129 per lot