There was a very large entry of sheep at the annual Show & Sale of Lambs. The average prices for Lambs were well improved from the previous week in particular for Ewe Lambs. The trade for Cast Ewes was slightly better
Sales continue weekly at 11 a.m. Please note that in future Wether and Ewe Lambs will be penned separately.
Sample Prices:
Wether Lambs 46.30 kgs €88.50, 47.2 kgs €94, 52.80 kgs €100,41.2 kgs €83, 45.7 kgs €88, 44.10 kgs €90, 49.67 kgs €100,
Ram Lambs: 49.30 kgs €91, 45 kgs €88.50, 42.70 kgs €80, 48.10 kgs €94,42.60 kgs €81, 50 kgs €96,
Ewe Lambs 41.60 kgs €90, 50 kgs €125, 45.80 kgs €110, 49 kgs €125.50,53.10 kgs €142, 43 kgs €77, 48.3 kgs €125, 40.60 kgs €90, 46.70 kgs €113.50,54.5 kgs €145, 39.5 kgs €90, 49.70 kgs €140, 54.4 kgs €150, 52.30 kgs €150,
Stores lambs made from €66 to €82
Cast Ewes made from €50.00 to €100.00