There were good numbers on offer this week. There was a brisk trade for Bullocks, with prices holding firm and a full clearance of lots. Bullocks sold for between €2.34 a kilo up to a maximum price of €3.15 per kilo.There was also a good trade for Heifers with an average price of €2.41 per kilo and a top price of €2.95 per kilo. Prices for Dry Cows were similar to last week. . New Booking Arrangements- Please note bookings for all special sales will be accepted up to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays the week prior to the sale. The Draw for the pens will take place on Thursday at 5 p.m. Draw System for starting pen on sale Days: The draw for the starting pen will be made at 10.45 a.m. on Friday’s and 4.45 p.m. on Tuesday’s. The first number drawn will be the starting pen and a second draw will be made to determine whether the draw will go up or down. Sales as usual For Bullocks, Heifers and Dry Cows each Friday – 11 a.m. – Autumn/Fall Sale of Heifers, Friday September 4th – Bookings accepted by phone, email or by calling to the office up to 5 p.m. on Tuesday August 25th, Wednesday August 26th and Thursday August 27th. Next Weanling Sale Tuesday August 25th @ 5 p..m. Weanling Show & Sale – Tuesday September 8th @ 5 p.m.
Dry Cows made from €1000 to €1525 per head
Sample Prices: Char X 535 kgs €1000, Lim X 600 kgs €1085, SH 660 kgs €1120,Simm X 650 kgs €1125, Lim X 710 kgs €1350, BBX 735 kgs €1525
Heifers made from €440 to €1000 over
Sample Prices BBX 630 kgs €1630, Lim X 500 kgs €1300, Lim X 530 kgs €1240, AAX 540 kgs €1120,Simm X 385 kgs €955, 3 Char X 343 kgs €850, Simm X 305 kgs €765, AAX 540 kgs €1120, Char X 380 kgs €1005, Char X 465 kgs €1200, BBX 330 kgs €950..
Bullocks made from €410 to €935 over
Sample Prices: Char X 720 kgs €1650, Char X 705 kgs €1640, AAX 725 kgs €1520, 2 Char X 640 kgs €1490, Char X 575 kgs €1440, Lim 495 kgs €1250, Char X 410 kgs 1160, Lim X 460 kgs 1130,Char X 355 kgs €1120, 2 Char X 347 kgs €985, Char X 285 kgs €820