There was another big entry of stock on offer at last Friday’s sale which included a special Sale of Bullocks.
There was a solid trade for Bullocks with not much change in prices for good quality lots. The plainer type bullock was a little easier, but despite this, there was a good clearance of lots. The average price for Bullocks was €2.37 a kilo with a maximum price of €3.06 a kilo. The trade for Heifers and Dry Cows was similar to last week. The average price of Heifers was €2.34 with a maximum price of €2.91 a kilo. Special Sale of Heifers Friday next October 9th – 80 Pens on offer also 80 pens of Bullocks and Dry Cows. New Booking Arrangements- Please note bookings for all special sales will be accepted up to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays the week prior to the sale. The Draw for the pens will take place on Thursday at 5 p.m. Draw System for starting pen on sale Days: The draw for the starting pen will be made at 10.45 a.m. on Friday’s and 4.45 p.m. on Tuesday’s. The first number drawn will be the starting pen and a second draw will be made to determine whether the draw will go up or down. Weanling Shows & Sale Tuesday October 6th and October 20th – Special Entry of 42 Outstanding Springing Heifers – Tuesday October 20th– stock may be viewed on our website and facebook
Dry Cows made from €915 to €1530 per head
Sample Prices: BAX 790 kgs €1530, Lim X 835 kgs €1500, Char X 770 kgs €1410, Char X 825 kgs €1350,Char X 755 kgs €1305, AAX 730 kgs €1255, Char X 665 kgs €1225, AAX 670 kgs €1160, Simm X 745 kgs €1100, Lim X 590 kgs €1150, BBX 650 kgs €1270.
Heifers made from €435 to €800 over
Sample Prices: BAX 700 kgs €1500, Char X 545 kgs €1280, Char X 485 kgs €1200, AAX 480 kgs €1110, Char 430 kgs €1120, 3 Char 420 kgs €1070, 2 Char X 382 kgs €1050, Lim X 435 kgs €1030, Char X 410 kgs €1050, BBX 330 kgs €880, 2 BBX 365 kgs €940.
Bullocks made from €520 to €1135 over
Sample Prices: Char X 420 kgs €955, Lim 435 kgs €1100, Char X 765 kgs €1900, Char X 595 kgs €1680,2 Char X 527 kgs €1615, 5 Char x 545 kgs €1640, Char X 565 kgs €1600, 6 Char X 573 kgs €1530, Lim X 570 kgs €1455, 3 BAX 533 kgs €1450, Lim 570 kgs €1455, Char 545 kgs €1370, 3 Char 468 kgs €1260, Lim X 500 kgs €1300, Lim X 580 kgs €1505, Char X 495 kgs €1385.Simm 585 kgs €1310.