There was a very large entry of top quality cattle on offer at last Friday’s sale with numbers well up on the previous week. There was a solid trade for Heifers with a maximum price of €3.04 a kilo and an average price of €2.46 a kilo. There was a firm trade for Bullocks with average prices of €2.20 a kilo and a maximum price of €2.88 a kilo. There was an improved trade for Dry Cows with an average price of €1.98 a kilo and a maximum price of €2.23 a kilo. There was a good attendance of customers with a high clearance of lots. Due to the large booking of Bullocks on Thursday last, the first 100 pens will be sold on Friday September 11th and the remaining 75 pens will be sold on Friday September 18th. Dry Cows and Heifers also As a result of the high volume of stock being offered for sale an extra special sale for Heifers will be held on Friday September 25th at 11 a.m. (Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Tuesday Sept. 15th, Wed. Sept 16th and Thurs. Sept. 17th) Bookings by phone (0906626352) by or by calling to the office.
New Booking Arrangements- Please note bookings for all special sales will be accepted up to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays the week prior to the sale. The Draw for the pens will take place on Thursday at 5 p.m. Draw System for starting pen on sale Days: The draw for the starting pen will be made at 10.45 a.m. on Friday’s and 4.45 p.m. on Tuesday’s. The first number drawn will be the starting pen and a second draw will be made to determine whether the draw will go up or down. Weanling Show & Sale – this Tuesday September 8th @ 5 p.m. Also Special Entry of 18 (3 year old) Springers. At 8 p.m.
Dry Cows made from €1000 to €1715 per head
Sample Prices: Lim X 775 kgs €1715, BBX 755 kgs €1650, Lim X 810 kgs €1640, Lim X 750 kgs €1605,Simm X 645 kgs €1000, Char X 640 kgs €1130, Char X 630 kgs €1165, BBX 665 kgs €1430, Lim 720 kgs €1570.
Heifers made from €550 to €1250 over
Sample Prices Char X 725 kgs €1975, BBX 695 kgs €1760, 2 Char X 680 kgs €1700, Char X 620 kgs €1610, Char X 560 kgs €1590, Lim X 640 kgs €1520, 2 Char X 575 kgs €1490, AAX 635 kgs €1470, BBX 555 kgs €1460, Lim 525 kgs €1400, Lim X 540 kgs €1430, Char X 455 kgs €1100, 3 Char X 492 kgs €1235,Char X 350 kgs €1065.
Bullocks made from €430 to €835 over
Sample Prices: Char X 620 kgs €1450, Lim X 370 kgs €800, Lim X 445 kgs €870, Lim X 360 kgs €920,AAX 705 kgs €1400, Simm X 500 kgs €1250, 2 Char X 400 kgs €1150, Lim X 410 kgs €980,Char X 535 kgs €1315, Lim X 470 kgs €1250.