Tuesday December 1st Weanlings & Suckler Cows Mart Report


There was a good entry of Weanlings on offer again this week with numbers beginning to ease off.Prices for Bull Weanlings were on par to last week with the average of €2.57 per kilo up to a max of €3.90 per kilo. There was a good demand for Heifer Weanlings with prices averaging from €2.54 per kilo up to €3.14 per kilo.  Sales continue on Tuesdays for Weanlings and Suckler Cows at 5 p.m. Special Sale of Weanlings on Tuesday December 8th. Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on this Thursday December 3rd. Also Special Entry of 22 Excellent Quality Springing Cows in calf to P.B. Lim Stock Bull Due Feb/March –Photos of stock can be viewed on our website and facebook.


Weanling Heifers made from €330 to €755 over

Sample Prices: Char X 415 kgs €1170, Char X 345 kgs €1065, BBX 305 kgs €885,Char X 220 kgs €690,AAX 270 kgs €600, AAX 215 kgs €620, SHX 320 kgs €780,AAX 350 kgs €745, Char X 350 kgs €1000

Weanling Bulls made from €395 to €745 over

Sample Prices Lim X 435 kgs €1120, Lim X 400 kgs €1080, Char X 385 kgs €1080,Char X 240 kgs €935,Char X 290 kgs €870, Lim X 330 kgs €910, 2 AAX 307 kgs €740,2 Lim x 237 kgs €690, Lim 220 kgs €730, HEX 280 kgs €760.

Springers made from €1370 to €1490