There was a large entry of top quality weanlings on offer at Tuesday’s show & sale of Weanlings. There was a good attendance of exporters and farmers actively sourcing stock. Once again this week there was an improvement in prices for both Weanling Bulls and Heifers. Heifers Weanlings made up to 3.56 a kilo with an average of €2.74 per kilo. The max price per kilo for Bulls was €3.32 per kilo or an average of €2.56 per kilo.
There is no sale next Tuesday due to St. Patrick’s Day. Sale as usual for Weanlings & Sucklers on Tuesday March 24th @ 5 p.m. Special mid Spring of Weanlings Tuesday March 31st, Bookings accepted at the Mart at 5 p.m. on Monday March 23rd. Full details on our or facebook
Weanling Bulls made from €480 to €965 over
Sample Prices: Char X 570 kgs €1445, Char X 435 kgs €1400, Lim X 530 kgs €1385, BBX 485 kgs 1300,Lim X 445 kgs €1300, BAX 470 kgs €1260, ShX 475 kgs €1225, 2 Lim X 430 kgs €1140, Lim X 395 kgs €1130, AUX 335 kgs €950, Lim X 325 kgs €990, Lim X 355 kgs €1060, BBX 380 kgs €1100,Char X 325 kgs €1080.
Weanling Heifers made from €455 to €835 over
Sample Prices: BBX 465 kgs €1300, BBX 415 kgs €1200, Char X 345 kgs €1120, BBX 390 kgs €1100,2 Char X 407 kgs €1015, 2 Lim X 350 kgs €1050, 2 Lim X 335 kgs €985, 3 Lim X 353 kgs €980,3 Lim X 288 kgs €870, Lim X 280 kgs €840, 2 Lim X 270 kgs €820, Char X 300 kgs €980,Char X 290 kgs €1035.