There was a good entry of stock on offer at Tuesday’ sale There was a lively trade for all classes of stock with improved prices and a high clearance of lots. Heifer Weanlings made up to €3.32 a kilo with an average of €2.87 per kilo. The max price per kilo for Bulls was €3.45 per kilo or an average of €2.55 per kilo. Special mid Spring of Weanlings Tuesday March 31st. Full details on our or facebook
Weanling Bulls made from €445 to €730 over
Sample Prices: Char X 520 kgs €1250, Lim X 400 kgs €1150, BBX 450 kgs €1135, BBX 415 kgs €1010,Lim 335 kgs €965, Lim X 355 kgs €1015, BBX 325 kgs €890, AAX 360 kgs €880, Char X 245 kgs €845,AAX 385 kgs €760, Simm X 355 kgs €800, Char X 315 kgs €940.
Weanling Heifers made from €485 to €780 over
Sample Prices: Char X 370 kgs €1150, Char X 380 kgs €1125, Char X 335 kgs €1115, 2 Lim X 305 kgs €965, 2 Lim x 287 kgs €880, 2 Lim X 257 kgs €830,2 Char X 272 kgs €800, 2 BBX 243 kgs €785,2 Lim X 305 kgs €965, 2 Lim X 25 kgs €830.Springers made from €1300 to €1550.