There was a huge entry of Weanlings on offer at Tuesday’s Show & Sale. The trade remains strong for Bull Weanlings with firm prices and a good clearance of lots. The trade for Weanling Heifers was similar to the previous week and again a high percentage of lots were sold. There was a good attendance of customers with farmers more active this week. Sales for Weanlings and Suckler Cows continue weekly on
Tuesday October 27th Usual Weanling Sale Also Sale of 40 Excellent Quality Springing HeifersRed & Black Lim X & Simm X (photos of stock on our website and facebook)In calf to a Ped. Reg Lim BullAll heifers scanned and guaranteed in calf , calving from Nov 1st onwards,All Heifers calving down 30 months to 36 months old Scanning certs available on night of sale , All are vaccinated for lepto and BVDFull details Michael Cuddy 083 8420400
Friday October 30th Special Sale of Heifers- Bookings accepted up to 5 p.m. on Tuesday October 20th, Wednesday October 21st and Thursday October 22nd.
Weanling Heifers made from €420 to €930 over
Sample Prices: 535 kgs €1420, Char X 440 kgs €1370, BBX 330 kgs 1150, Lim X 345 kgs €1000,Char X 385 kgs €1045, BBX 255 kgs €990, Simm X 380 kgs €955, BBX 320 kgs €950, Char X 330 kgs €955, AAX 460 kgs €1050, Char X 350 kgs €1050.
Weanling Bulls made from €525 to €910 over
Sample Prices BBX 565 kgs €1400, AAX 650 kgs €1400, Char X 490 kgs €1385, Lim X 595 kgs €1350,Char X 420 kgs €1250, AAX 485 kgs €1150, 2 Lim X 372 kgs €1140, Char X 380 kgs €1105, Char X 440 kgs €1370, Char X 340kgs €1065, Char X 335 kgs €1060, Lim X 320 kgs €1100, Lim X 335 kgs €1080,
Special Entry of Springers made from €1900 up to €2600