There was a large entry of good quality Spring Lambs on offer this week with an excellent trade and prices well improved from the previous week, resulting in a full clearance of lots. There was also a strong trade for Cast ewes with all lots sold. Weekly sales for Sheep continue on Wednesdays @ 11 a.m.
Sample Prices:
Spring Lambs: 46 kgs €108, 43.40 kgs €105, 47.70 kgs €110, 57 kgs €116, 56 kgs €120, 51.80 kgs €115, 59 kgs €120, 49 kgs €114, 46.30 kgs €113, 47.27 kgs €113.50, 48.70 kgs €115, 46.60 kgs €112. 45.60 kgs €113, 47.50 kgs €115,
Cast Ewes made from €70 to €140 per lot