Tuesday February 26th – Weanlings & Suckler Cows Prices Report


There were similar numbers on offer this week with a good lively trade for both Bulls & Heifers and prices increased from the previous week. Once again there was a nice entry of Springers. Tuesday sales continue weekly at 6 p.m. for Suck Calves, Weanlings & Suckler Cows. All stock maybe pre-booked. Special Sale of Bullocks this Friday– March 1st 2013 Also Heifers & Dry Cows.- 11 a.m.

Special Sale of Heifers on Friday March 8th – Bookings accepted at the Mart office on this Thursday February 28th at 5 p.m.

Tuesday March 12thA Special Entry of 20 Excellent Quality Springers  & 4 with calves (Red & Black Lim, Char & BB) in calf to P.B. Lim Bull due March/April.

 Weanling Heifers made from €210 to €715 over

 Sample Prices: Lim X 240 kgs €500, 2 Char 298 kgs €700, Char X 360 kgs €1075, Lim X , Lim X 330 kgs €725, Char 240 kgs €665, Lim X 375 kgs €880, Lim X 300 kgs €895, Lim 305 kgs €605, Char 360 kgs €1075, Char 325 kgs €805, Char 370 kgs €1062.

 Weanling Bulls made from €285 to €655 over

 Sample Prices: Char 480 kgs €1050, BBX 345 kgs €1000, Lim X 375 kgs €975, BBX 360 kgs €950, Char X 405 kgs €950, BAX 365 kgs €840, 2 Char 382 kgs €820,BBX 355 kgs €865, LimX 375 kgs €880, CharX 420 kgs €910,Char 420 kgs €910.

 Suck Calves – Shorthorn X Heifer calves  made from €200 to €270

 Springers: 3rd Calf Simm Cow in calf to P.B. Char Bull due 17th March made €1190

3rd Calf Char Cow in calf to P.B. Char Bull due 17th March made €1390

Lim Heifer with Lim Bull calf at foot made €1610,

Aged Lim Cow with Lim Bull calf at foot made €1160,