There was an increase in numbers on offer this week. The Prices for both Heifer & Bull weanlings remain strong with a good clearance of lots. Tuesday sales continue weekly at 6 p.m. for Suck Calves, Weanlings & Suckler Cows.All stock maybe pre-booked held on. Special Sales of Heifers Friday– February 15th 2013- Bookings accepted at the office at 5 p.m. on this Thursday February 7th
Weanling Heifers made from €215 to €580 over
Sample Prices: CharX430 kgs €1010, Lim X 380 kgs €875, BBX 350 kgs €800, €730, Lim X 305 kgs €775, BBX 300kgs €720, Char X 190 kgs €455, BBX 285 kgs €700, BAX 285 kgs €700, BBX 290 kgs €700, Char 315 kgs €755, BBX 350 kgs €800
Weanling Bulls made from €315 to €810 over
Sample prices: BB 365 kgs €850, Char 510 kgs €1320, Char 395 kgs €1035, BB 445 kgs €850, 2 Lim 475 kgs €1170, BBX 430 kgs €1090, Char 530 kgs €1050, LimX 425 kgs €1000, BBX 380 kgs €890, BBX 325 kgs €870, Lim 260 kgs €850, AAX 445 kgs €850, BBX 365 kgs €850, 2 Char 337.5 kgs €935.
Springers: 3rd Calf Limousin Springer in calf to Hereford Bull due 2nd March €1300,
Red Lim Springer Heifer in calf to AI Lim Bull due 3rd Feb €1600,
Blue Springer Heifer in calf to AI Lim Bull due 7th Feb €1470,
AA 2nd Calf Springer in calf to BB Bull €1120
Char Heifer with BB Heifer calf at foot and in calf again to AI BB Bull
Due 18/04/13 €1530